Join Us

We welcome new members at any point in the season. Prospective members are cordially invited to attend three rehearsals to experience singing with Amchor, free of charge.

Not all Amchor members join as experienced singers.  Sight reading is not a necessity, but the ability to read music is most certainly an asset.  Our musical director will take you through a very short and simple voice test after a few weeks of rehearsals to ensure you are placed in the right voice group.  You will also be pointed in the direction of a variety of online rehearsal aids to assist you in learning your part.

If you are thinking of joining us, committee member Jenny Harrison would be delighted to hear from you. Contact Jenny at or call her on 01494 785822.

Annual membership costs £180 and covers all three singing sessions, which run from September – December – January – May and May – July.  It is possible to join for a term to perform in a particular concert, price on application.

Friends of Amchor

Friends of Amchor benefit from reserved seating at our concerts and invitations to other special events, for an annual donation of just £25. For further details of how to join, please contact Friends Secretary on 01494 722658